I am a Freelance Contributing Writer for the North Dallas Gazatte. I cover community events in the Dallas community, as well as the surrounding areas. I also capture breath-taking photos as well. These stories are written in AP style. Please check out these pictures and stories.
Chief of Police Neil Noakes alongside OneCommunnityUSA founder Tony Brinker gather FW PD to discuss inner city issues.
This art piece was curated by artist Trey Wilder. The piece was called Dream Flight; The piece is to motivate children to have a vision.
This is a Shop Talk event in Irving. It was in a barbershop called 1Nice Cut Barbershop.
The artist for this piece is called "Yes We Can" by Lakeem Wilson.
Colonel Eddie J Smith is pictured with his wife Kina Brown
Daniel Cruz leading the Ten Mile Creek H.O.A meeting in DeSoto, Tx.